Merry Christmas!! This week has once again been kinda crazy, but that's ok.
I'm back in Celje now! So that's good. Ok, here comes the recap.
Last Tuesday morning, we went with the Deckers to Caritas to
help package up some gift packages for sick children. After that, Elder Criddle
and I went back to the apartment and I did some of my own packing until a bunch
of other Elders showed up as part of the transfer. We exchanged some luggage
around, and then I went with Elder Love (my new companion) and Elder
Christensen over to Belgrade. We got burritos for dinner at the end of the day,
and stayed the night with two of the Belgrade Elders.
In the morning on Wednesday, Elder Love and I went out to
the car and found a parking ticket from sometime the day before. Oops. Then we
went to the Slovene embassy for me to get my passport and Visa, and waited
outside in the cold for 2 hours in a crowd of other people waiting. Right as we
got in, our 2-hour parking ran out, so when we were done we had to rush over to
the car and move it to a different parking place. Then we ran some circles
looking for a place for lunch, and then a place to pay that parking ticket from
the night before. The bank that we went to to pay it didn't take payment by
card, so that made it a bit of a hassle. A few hours later we got back in the
car and headed out in the direction of Celje. A few hours later we were passing
Zagreb, and needed food again because we're human beings. So we used the GPS to
try and find food, and it was another huge runaround for some reason. Since our
phone was from Slovenia and paying for parking is by texting, I couldn't get
our phone to pay for parking, but I asked one of the Zagreb missionaries to
text in the parking for us. We had dinner at a food court at some huge mall, I
burned my tongue on my food, and then we went back to the car to find another
parking ticket. Apparently the parking guy got to our car before the text came
in from the other missionary to pay for it. Nice. That means that I got two
parking tickets in the capitol cities of two different countries in less than
24 hours. Then we drove to Celje, dropped off my stuff at the apartment, and
gave the car key back to the Monsons. Celje is decorated pretty well for
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Me, Elder Love, and Elder Christensen in Belgrade. |
On Thursday we bought groceries and did transfer planning,
and that kind of thing. Just before English Conversation Group, we all had some
cake that someone brought because it was someone's birthday, and then after ECG
we had a branch choir practice to prepare for the program for Saturday.
Friday morning we did some calls and sent some texts to try
to get some lessons set up, and then went and looked up some church members'
addresses so we could deliver some Christmas cards from the church. After lunch
we went to deliver all those cards, and of course since people are spread out
through the whole city, we ended up walking a big loop around almost the entire
city. A little bit later we set up a table in front of the church and put up a
TV to play some Christmas videos as we handed out Christmas cards. After that
we had branch choir practice in preparation for the Christmas program, and then
Elder Love and I finished the day with language study.
On Saturday morning we again set up the table and TV in
front of the church, and I think it was again successful. We had curry for
lunch, then companionship study before we went to do some classic contacting.
It was interesting though, since now there's not a companionship of sisters in
the city, we can go into their half of the city. Then we went to the church
early to help set up and prepare for the Christmas program for that night. Just
before the whole thing started, we had a fairly short lesson with
"Mary". Yes, this is the same "Mary" from when I was last
in Celje. She seems to be doing really well. She knows she wants to get
baptized, but just doesn't know when, and she doesn't feel like it's right now.
Then we all went in and had our Christmas concert/program, and it was
wonderful. Someone played a different version of Jingle Bells on piano, at that
was really good. We of course also had some choir pieces where I was
accompanying, and I also did 2 short pieces on accordion. A lot of people came,
both members of the church and not, and it was great to get to see a bunch of
people that I know. There were of course cookies and such, and people stayed
around to talk a bit, and everyone seemed to really like it.
Christmas decorations in Celje, Slovenia. |
Sunday we of course had church, and some members came that
didn't come a whole lot while I was here last time, so it was great to seem
them come. I actually also blessed the Sacrament for the first time in Slovene.
Usually local members do it here in Celje. For the second part of church, Elder
Love and I went with a local member to help with the primary class, since the
regular teacher was home sick. It was kinda crazy, but we managed to handle
them by playing some videos of the Nativity and talking about it, and singing
some songs together. Once we got home we of course did weekly planning and
such, and then went to the Monsons' for our Christmas Eve dinner, and since we
had the evening off as approved by our mission president, we stayed to play
some games with them.
Our little Christmas tree and a few gifts from home. |
Monday was Christmas! But you probably knew that. First
thing, Elder Love and I opened some packages and letters from home marked as
"do not open until Christmas", and then a bit later went over to the
Monsons' for breakfast. The rest of the zone came too. So, we had all 12 junior
missionaries, all 4 senior missionaries, and then President and Sister
Melonakos both came, along with their daughter. It was really great to see all
those missionary friends of mine, plus some new ones that I hadn't met yet
because they just got to Slovenia in the 2 months since I left.
Fun with missionary friends on Christmas. |
Anyway, we all
had breakfast, watched "The Best Two Years" (with permission), played
some games, had lunch, and of course all Skyped our families. There was a
little bit of confusion on times for Skyping and such, but it all turned out
fine, of course. It was obviously really good to get to talk with my family,
even if for just 40 minutes. While some other people were Skyping, some of us
played some more games, shared some family photos, etc. I really like being
with other missionaries like that. After dinner and some more games, we all
went into the center of town where they have the lights and big Christmas trees
and little booths for the Christmas market and we all just explored a bit and took
some photos before people had to leave. Once the other missionaries left, we
helped the Monsons clean up a bit and then went home. It was a pretty good
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Skyping with my family in Loveland, Ohio on Christmas. |
Yesterday morning (Tuesday this time) I made an agenda for
district meeting for the first time ever, since this is the first time I've
ever been a district leader (our district is comprised of me, Elder Love, and
the Monsons). We planned a lesson, then had lunch and district meeting. At the
end, Elder Monson drove us over to our lesson that we had scheduled with a
member, and came with us. Even though it was kinda short, I think the member
really appreciated it since he has a hard time walking or getting much of
anywhere because of that. He had a bowl of these things that were basically mini
cheese puffs, but flavored like peanuts instead of cheese, and as we left he
insisted that we each take a fistful "for the road". Elder Love gave
me us as soon as we got out the door. After Elder Monson drove us back to the
main part of town, Elder Love and I went contacting some before English
Conversation Group. Then no one came to English, since it was apparently the
Slovene day of Independence and Unity (not to mention the day after Christmas).
So after taking care of some business in the church, we went contacting again.
One guy who we tried talking to said "I'm a Bosnian" and kept
walking, so I took a few steps with him as I said (in Bosnian) that I could
speak Bosnian. He stopped for a few seconds, but he wasn't interested after
all. We did run into one guy that stopped and kinda debated with us for a few
minutes, but was willing to take a copy of The Book of Mormon plus a pamphlet,
so that's good. Then we got dinner at the Kebab stand and went home for
language study.
Today we've done some contacting and emailing so far, and I
also got a long over-due haircut. Like always, my language skills fell out of
my pocket on the way into the haircut place.
Your homework for this week is to find a chapter in The Book
of Mormon or the Bible that talks about Christ. Now, that shouldn't be too
hard, but then you also have to read it and try to learn something new from it
;) Enjoy!
Here are a few pictures. Most of them are from Celje, but
the one with Elder Love (and Elder Christensen) was actually in Belgrade. Have a great week! Merry Christmas!
Elder Ryan Echols
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
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