Hello everyone! News for transfers is out. I'll be staying
in Sarajevo again, but this time with Elder Smith. In case you haven't been
counting, today marks 5 months of me being in Sarajevo. and now it looks like
I'll be doing 2 more. Good thing I like this city!
I hope you all have been having a good summer so far. We're
almost half way through the year already! The weather here has been pretty
warm, but not as hot as it was a few weeks ago. The only downside is that it's
been raining. But that's not too bad.
I got to meet up with my MTC companion, Elder Leach, while at the mission home for zone conference! Elder Leach is currently serving in Slovenia. |
On Tuesday we and the Tuzla elders started off by doing some
normal missionary work, since we were already up in Zagreb and had time for it.
We split up a bit to go into different parts of the city for a while, and I
went with Elder Hardy. Even though the core of Croatian is the same as the core
of Bosnian, all the side-words like "hello", "excuse me",
and "have a nice day" are totally different, so I thought it was
really fun to try switching over to the local dialect immediately. Once we'd
finished with all that and re-grouped, we went to lunch together and then over
to Zone Conference to get started.
I enjoyed seeing lots of my missionary friends during zone conference. |
Our conference was together with the
Slovene-serving missionaries, so it was pretty cool to get to know some of them
that I'd never even met before. Of course we had some really good
presentations, but then after dinner we all just had some free time to relax
and play games. We got almost everyone playing volleyball at one point, and
that was super fun.
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Playing volleyball during zone conference |
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Playing Uno and eating ice cream during down time at zone conference. |
On Wednesday, Zone Conference continued with more great
presentations. Since President Grant and Sister Grant are going home in a few
weeks, this was their last zone conference. It was really good to hear what
they had to say. They really do love all of us, their missionaries.
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Listening intently to the special messages presented at zone conference. |
Near the
end of his presentation, President Grant also handed out copies of the transfer
board, telling everyone where they're going to be for this next transfer that
starts tomorrow. After that, I went and got my new companion, Elder Smith, from
a little meeting point where I also saw Elder Crapo! Love that dude. Then we
had our road trip back to Sarajevo.
Me and Elder Crapo during our short meet up! |
On Thursday, We got Elder Smith his white card so that he
wouldn't get kicked out of the country, and it took forever, and we got some
groceries for him, had a lesson that ended with them asking us for money, and
then the sisters got their investigator on baptismal date for July 8th! Super
On Friday we had a lesson with one of our main
investigators, and he's still progressing, just a bit slower. A bit later that
night we had district meeting, and then went with everyone for the Sisters'
farewell dinner. Both Sister Martineau and Sister McColm are leaving, and we're
getting 2 new sisters. That means I'm the only one of us 4 that's staying in Sarajevo.
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Farewell dinner for Sisters Martineau and McColm |
On Saturday we did service up at the barn, had a short
lesson, and then did some solid contacting. We didn't get any new
investigators, but we got 4 phone numbers, and ran into a couple from
Indianapolis that knows about the Mormons a bit. We gave them the homework
assignment to talk to the missionaries when they get back to the US.
Sunday we had branch conference, and that was really
awesome. President Grant and Sister Grant came down, plus a bunch of other
people like some members from Tuzla and the missionaries. President Pruess was
released from being branch president, and now it's Elder Newton of our senior
couple here.
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Elder Newton, now President Newton, is the new Branch President in Sarajevo. |
Missionaries at the Sarajevo Branch Conference: Me, Elder Smith, Elder Hole, Sister Martineau, Sister McColm, and Elder Hardy. |
Also, there were a total of 10 investigators there! Of course,
some of them are more like "friends of the church and their kids",
but it was still great to have them there! And besides, we did have an unusual
number of other investigators. For the last song in sacrament meeting, we sang
"God be with you till we meet again" and that got a lot of people
crying, of course.
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Me and President Grant. All the missionaries love the Grants! They will be missed. |
We all had lunch together afterwards there in the church,
and it was great to get everyone socializing. These people are great. After
church, we did a bunch of planning, and found out that the sisters decided to
give that investigator, who's on date for baptism July 8th, over to us, since
we've already met the guy, and he lives in our area, and it'll avoid any more
gender-rule annoyances anyway. So now we have an investigator on baptismal
date! We didn't put him there though, haha.
Good luck to Sisters McColm and Martineau who are leaving Sarajevo. |
Your homework this week is to read 3 Nephi 11-12, and ask
yourself what the main message is that Christ teaches the people as soon as he
arrives. What is most important for us to know from him?
Stuff is going well. Thanks everyone for your support! Have
an awesome week!
Elder Ryan Echols
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
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