Hello everybody! This week has been a crazy one, but
definitely a good one. The weather started off by getting a bit warmer than
last week, just enough for the snow to melt off. Then it snowed again. And then
it got warm again. Apparently the seasons here last 2 days each.
Anyway, now for the fun stuff. On Tuesday we put someone on
baptismal date! He's one of the investigators we've been working with for a few
weeks now. We had a really good lesson on the plan of salvation, then asked him
if he'd be baptized on a specific day in May. Then we changed the date around a
bit so it fit schedules better, and taught him the Word of Wisdom. He does
smoke right now, so we'll be helping him to quit in the following weeks. After
that we had lunch, some other lessons bailed, did some contacting, and then we
closed the night with ECG. Since it's the start of a new transfer, there were a
few more people that started coming, but not quite as many as showed up the
first time last transfer.
Wednesday we did some contacting, got ditched for a lesson,
had burgers from the secret courtyard place (Lammel's), and then we had
district meeting. After that we did our studies, and then did more contacting.
We've been putting a bigger focus this transfer on getting copies of The Book
of Mormon out in willing people's hands. I think we handed out 4 copies on
On Thursday we did some area book work and cleaned up our
phone's contact list some more, and ordered sushi for lunch. A lesson whiffed.
Later on, while we were contacting, Elder King contacted a guy wearing a Utes
shirt, and turns out the guy was from Las Vegas. He'd had a few Mormon friends
before, but never read The Book of Mormon. Thankfully I had an English copy to
give to him. We explained Moroni's promise, and he said he'd give it an honest
shot. That night we also had ECG.
On Friday while we were contacting we contacted a drunk
homeless guy (though we didn't know either of those things about him until we
were talking. And besides, everyone needs the Gospel!) and he ended up showing
us his pile of cardboard where he apparently sleeps, and we gave him a copy of
The Book of Mormon. We set up a return appointment for the next day, but he
thought it was Thursday that day. We had lunch at Woki, and then there was an
online video call for district leaders. We had a lesson with our recent
convert, and had him pick out a friend to try inviting to church. About an hour
after that lesson, we got a call from him saying that he'd invited his friend
and the friend was coming! I love that guy. Also, we got an online referral! He
lives between here and Banja Luka, though, so we're planning on visiting him on
our way to Zone Conference this next week. Apparently he's already read the
whole Book of Mormon on LDS.org.
On Saturday it was raining, and then snowing, and then it
went back to rain. It really messed up our contacting, since no one wants to be
in weather like that. We cleaned the church, had some lessons ditch, had our
apartment cleaning check, did weekly planning, etc. As many productive things
as we could find that didn't require us going outside. Our return appointment
with the homeless guy was supposed to be that day, but he wasn't there.
Yesterday, Sunday, we had church, and since neither of the
two people in the branch presidency were in town, I conducted and Elder King
presided. I also had a talk. And played all the piano. And translated. Our
recent convert's friend did come! It was great. We got to talk, and had a first
lesson with him. He seems like he's on a really good path already. After church
we did a whole bunch of contacting, and then some more area book stuff. We also
had dinner at the Newtons' place.
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At church on Sunday, McKayla Dreschler, a former ANM missionary, came to visit. Left to right: Sister Martineau, Sister McColm, McKayla Dreschler, Elder King, Elder Echols |
As for today, apparently it's a holiday for Bosnia, so the
streets were kinda like they are in "I am Legend" if you've ever seen
that movie. For our 3 hours of contacting, we talked to 4 people. Thankfully, 2
of them became new investigators. Also, all of the shops are closed, so we're
doing emails at the Newtons' place right now (thanks guys! You're the best).
So, you homework for this week is to read Ether 12. It
talks a lot about faith and miracles. Pretty motivating, too.
Elder Ryan Echols
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
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