Hello there everybody! Sorry for not sending out an email
last week. We had the Zone Leaders in town to start exchanges, and we did a lot
of stuff other than spend time on email.
As for some specifics of what we did last Monday, we first
had a lesson with our investigator that had previously decided to be baptized.
I don't remember if I mentioned it in my group email, but he backed out of it
about a week before it was supposed to happen. This lesson was the first time
we were able to meet with him since then. We got him back "on the
boat", but we'll just be taking it slow from here on out.
The bobsled track is up in the mountains above Sarajevo. |
We took the Zone Leaders to see the bobsled track from the 1984 Sarajevo Olympic Games |
Anyway, when the ZLs got in town, we went up on the mountain
with them and the sisters, coming plenty close to getting lost, and went to see
some cool stuff. We saw the old Olympic bobsled track again, as well as some
cool views and a WWII memorial site called Vraca Memorial Park. The site was also
used as a stronghold of sorts in the Yugoslav wars, so it was a bit beat up.
Also, it's the place where Bosnia was dedicated by an Apostle for the preaching
of the gospel. Pretty cool stuff.
As a WWII Memoraial, Vraca has many walls with the names of all the people from Sarajevo who were killed during the war. There are almost 12,000 names. |
This doorway looked like it needed some help to stay up! |
Another scene from the damaged Vraca Memorial. |
On Tuesday, we started exchanges. I stayed in Sarajevo with
Elder Bowles. We did some regular stuff like role-playing and contacting, and
then it started raining and messed stuff up a bit. No one wants to listen when
it's raining. That night we had ECG, of course, and we went to dinner after at
a place called Burger Bar. In case you didn't guess, they have really good
American burgers.
Elder Bowles at the Burger Bar. |
On Wednesday we had to finish up exchanges, so we got the
car from the Newtons and drove out to Travnik, which is about half way between
here and Banja Luka (where Elder King was for the exchange). But when we get
there, we found out that they were still about 45 minutes out, so we looked
around the town a bit. There was a cool fortress up on top of the hill that we
went to see, and there were a bunch of kids there on a field trip.
The Fortress in Travnik, called Stari grad, which was originally built in the 14th or 15th Century. It is a popular tourist spot. |
The fortress is really large and built completely of stone. |
The town of Travnik surrounds the fortress and is built upon some very scenic hills. |
Some of the features of the fortress are built around natural bodies of water. |
Once Elders
King and Winfield got there, we had lunch and then split back up for our own
cities. When we got back to Sarajevo, we got ditched by a lesson or two, and
did some contacting.
On Thursday morning we had a mission-wide video call for
District Leaders (and their companions, like me), and then a lesson right
after. We were slightly late for the lesson, but the guy was actually pretty
chill with it. A bit later we went to visit a member and his friend that's interested
in the church. They've both been having some rough times, but it was a really
good visit. When we got back for ECG, we decided to switch groups with the
Sisters, but then nobody showed up to the group we were going to lead, so we
just joined them in the other room and helped to converse with the
On Friday morning I got a call from President Grant, and
during the course of the call he suddenly said, "Oh, you know what, David
Archuleta just walked into my office; here, I'll hand him the phone." And
then I talked to David Archuleta for a few minutes. What a great guy. And
apparently he's good enough friends with my mission president to just be
passing through Croatia (...?) and walk into the mission home unannounced.
Sounds good to me. Anyway, we started off the day with a lesson with our most
progressing investigator, and we talked about the priesthood authority that was
given to the Apostles by Christ, but then lost shortly after their deaths, but
which was restored to the Earth by Peter, James, and John when they gave that
authority to Joseph Smith. Pretty cool stuff, honestly. Anyway, we also talked
about baptism with him, and he said he was in a pretty tight situation with
some stuff, but if he wasn't in that situation, he's 99% sure he'd get
baptized. So, now we just need to help him resolve the situation... We'll get
there. But the point is that he's doing well and knows that it's all true.
After that lesson we had district meeting, and then we went to visit that same
member and his friend. We're trying to help them establish the habit of reading
The Book of Mormon every day, since it'll help them a lot.
![]() |
Peter, James, and John conferred Priesthood authority to Joseph Smith. |
On Saturday morning we cleaned the church, like always, and
then headed over to a first lesson at the guy's house. We'd contacted him a few
weeks ago and kept contact, but this was the first he was able to meet with us.
It went pretty well, and we invited him to church (like we do at almost every
lesson) for the next day. Spoilers: he came! That was great. But as for the
rest of Saturday, we did some contacting, and some work on the computer.
For Sunday, at church, I played piano like usual. But, what
was different this week was that Sister McColm had picked for our opening hymn
one of the hardest hymns for me to play: "Press Forward, Saints". So,
I struggled through that, but didn't die. Like I said before, that investigator
came to church! It's always nice when an investigator does come to church. For
the rest of the day we did some contacting and planning. When we were contacting,
we talked to a guy the was "from here" but spoke only perfect English
to us, with a mostly Australian accent. He said that he's always been a Muslim
in general, but when Europe generally started turning against the idea of
Islam, he had to really figure out if he was in or out. I think everyone out to
do that in their own religion, regardless of whether or not the world dislikes
your religion.
Also, the streets have been a lot less busy recently, and we
think it's because of Ramadan. Btw, Ramadan just started, which is Islam's
month of fasting. They fast while the sun is up, and eat once the sun goes
down, if I'm understanding this all correctly. So, we've been making jokes
about people not wanting to listen to us because they're "hungry"
from the fasting.
Your homework for this week is to look up a session of
General Conference from more than 20 years ago. So, that's 1997 or
earlier. Pick a talk that stands out to you. Keep an eye out for what things
they say are still applicable today (probably most of it), and what things they
said then would've helped people better prepare for everything that's happened
since then.
That's it for today. I hope you enjoy the photos! Talk to
you next week!
Elder Ryan Echols
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb