Hello everybody! This week was pretty good. A little crazy, but plenty regular stuff too.
On Monday, near the end of the day, we hopped on a bus to
Banja Luka for zone conference. That was a long bus ride, but thankfully we
also had the sisters there to talk to. When we got to Banja Luka we got a taxi,
and then Elder Perry and I stayed the night with Elders Hillock and Palmer.
Tuesday was Zone Conference, of course, and we got a lot of
training on how to implement the new schedule effectively. "With great
power comes great responsibility" was involved, including drawings of
Spider-man. With this new schedule, we have a lot more time to choose when (and
even where) we do things. The main thing is that we can do companion study and
language study when and where we want during the day, but we also have planning
in the morning (not at night), and an extra half hour to get ready in the
morning. So far it's pretty nice.
On Wednesday we started living the new schedule, and I felt
more ready for the day, and the weather was great, and we got 5 new
investigators on the street! That's a lot more than usual for one day. One of
the guys we talked to even said right off the bat, "I've always wanted to
be a part of the Mormon society" or something like that. That was quite a
fun surprise to hear.
Thursday we started off the day by doing some more visa work
for Elder Perry, including having his blood drawn. Also, he failed his vision
test (since he wasn't wearing his glasses). The lady doing the vision test then
commanded him to wear his glasses. Pretty fun stuff. Later in the day we had a
lesson! That's the first sit-down lesson I've had here in Sarajevo. He was a
really chill guy, and I thought it went pretty well.
Recently, with the new schedule, we've been doing our
language study at the local McDonald's (it's a really nice McDonald's, btw) and
and been getting to be friends with some of the employees there by asking them
some language questions.
Friday we did some more visa work, had district meeting, did
contacting, etc. Not a hugely special day, but you definitely have to have
normal days every now and then.
Saturday we had some interesting street contacts. The first
peculiar one was with an older lady, and as we talked to her, she essentially
recited the history of Bosnia from the last 40 years. We were there for a
while, but it was still good. Two people later, we got talking with a guy that
was very adamant in his skepticism of organized religion. As part of our long
discussion, he ended up asking if we really do believe that "this Thomas
Monson guy" is a prophet. And you know what are simultaneous answer was?
In case some of you haven't heard, the president of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka "the Mormon church")
is a man named Thomas S. Monson, and he is a prophet of God in our day, right
now. And yes, we really do believe that he receives guidance from God as
prophets like Moses or Noah did. If you want to hear some stuff that he and the
12 Apostles have said recently, just go to LDS.org
and check out some talks from General Conference. I know you'll find something
special that can help you in your life.
![]() |
President Thomas S. Monson |
Yesterday, Sunday, we had church of course, and it was a
pretty good one. None of our investigators came as we were expecting, but that
just happens sometimes. Since it was the first Sunday of the month, it was
testimony meeting, where any member of the congregation can get up and share
their witness of the truth of the gospel. Being a missionary, I naturally got
up and spoke a bit. It was pretty interesting speaking in a meeting in two
languages, translating for myself. I think I probably missed translating a few
sentences while I was switching back and forth.
After church we did some planning and stuff, and then had
dinner at a member home! They fed us pancakes, and it was awesome. They have
little kids, and it was really loud, but it was definitely good to get to know
them better. From there, Elder Perry and I went out contacting for just an hour
or so to finish the day. We found some pretty cool people who seemed willing to
learn more. We also talked to a really drunk guy that asked us for money so he
could drink more. We also ran into a lady from Italy that didn't speak Bosnian,
but spoke English really well. I think it's really interesting, whenever we run
into someone that doesn't speak Bosnian very well, trying to do missionary work
in English. It's so uncommon for us to speak to people on the street in English
that it's quite an unfamiliar thing by now.
Today, Monday, has actually started off quite peculiarly. We
did our proselyting here in the morning already, because of the new schedule,
and I definitely like that a lot. As we started off contacting, we started
talking to a guy who said he was a Muslim, telling him that we have an
important message about God and the purpose of life, and he said that he was
free at that very instant to hear it. So, we walked around the corner over to
the church with him, and sat down for a quick lesson. As we briefly spoke to
him about our purpose here on Earth, how the spirit works, and about The Book
of Mormon, he listened very intently and accepted all we said, even saying that
he already believed The Book of Mormon to be true. We committed him to read
some of it for himself at home, and set up to meet with him again on Wednesday.
But along with that, Elder Perry explained a bit about baptism, and asked him
if he'd prepare to be baptized on March 11th, and he said yes! So, we have
someone on the path to making a big step in their life to follow Christ. After
the lesson, we asked each other, "What even just happened?" since it
was such a surprise.
The Book of Mormon is true and testifies of Jesus Christ |
Since then, we did the regular P-day stuff like buying
groceries, but we also went to a museum here in Sarajevo. The galleries and
videos they had were about the Srebrenica Genecide, and the Siege of Sarajevo,
back during the Yugoslav Wars in the 90's. It was quite a thing to see. What
surprises me most, I think, is that I'd never heard about any of this until
this last summer when I knew I was going to be coming here to the former
Yugoslavia. I'd never heard of it in any history classes or anything, unless it
was such a side-note to the discussion that it absolutely flew over my head.
This area has a lot of big history, most within the last 25 years, and when
we're talking with people on the street, like I mentioned with that older lady,
many of them lived through it and remember it vividly. Learning about the Siege
of Sarajevo, apparently the war was essentially in a ring around the city, in
the tops of the nearby hills. There are a lot of monuments and such around the
city marking notable places such as "sniper alley". But from what I
can understand, people in the center of the city almost lived normal lives
during to 1395 days of the Siege. They had concerts and clubs and times where
people would get together just like in normal times. People have quite the
stories from those times.
This marker is a memorial to the children who died in the siege of Sarajevo |
Your homework for this week is to read Alma 5. It talks
about what will happen after this life, and what we must do in this life to
prepare for that. I know that the plan of our God is one of great mercy, and that
we will be blessed immensely for following Christ as best as we can in this
Sometimes out here as missionaries, we only see small
amounts of success from lots of work that we put in, but that's ok. We have to
try to invite anyone we can unto Christ, and though many people don't accept
that invitation, we see a lot of small miracles along the way, and sometimes
big ones too.
I hope you all have a good week, and keep on working hard!
Elder Ryan Echols
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
Adriatic North Mission
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
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