Well, it's official! On Monday, August 15th, at 7:30pm, we went to President Bradley's home where Ryan was officially set apart as a full-time missionary! Kyle got to assist President Bradley. We were fortunate that Trevor was able to accompany us as well. It was a very special experience, and Ryan later said that he felt the spirit confirm to him that he is doing what God wants him to do at this time in his life. President Bradley gave Ryan some really good advice for his mission. He encouraged Ryan to be completely obedient in all things, to work hard, and be happy. He also encouraged Ryan to write letters home so his family can know how he is doing.
Rachel, Elder Echols, and Kyle at President Bradley's home |
President Bradley and Elder Ryan Echols |
After we left President Bradley's house, we headed to Red Robin for a later dinner. The boys enjoyed each others company and some really good food.
Trevor and Elder Echols at Red Robin |
We are excited for Trevor, as he will be set apart as a missionary in about three weeks, and will be serving in the Utah Salt Lake City South mission. He will be in the Provo MTC while Ryan is there!
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